Provádíme kompletní silnoproudé elektroinstalační práce a nové elektroinstalace pří výstavbě či rekonstrukci jakékoliv pozemní stavby. Dále nabízíme revize elektrozařízení dle norem ČNS, opravu a údržbu elektrických zařízení a elektrospotřebičů včetně roz
silnoproudé elektroinstalační práce
Electrical wiring
We perform all electrical work, electrical wiring and electrical engineer work, service and repair of electrical equipment, including revisions inspectionsin accordance of ČSN standards.
PLC programming
Creation of application programs for PLC control systems (OMRON, SIEMENS), temperature control, drive control and sequential control of machines and lines.
Emergency service
The service is offered as an qualified and individual support for our customers 24/7. Our experienced technicians are ready to help you immediately in case of technical and software problems
Construction activities
Design and implementation of offices, we provide comprehensive services in the field of plumbing and locksmith work of all kinds ..
We provide complete assembly of domestic, office, industrial and public lighting by using very quality LED lights. We are also able to assess customer´s current lighting and design new LED lights.
Our service is focused on:
Domestic installation
Business premises
Offices,retirement homes, hotels etc.
Public places
Industrial places
Renovation of current lighting
We guarantee calculated savings and return of investment